Deciding on which class or camp is a good fit for your child

This is the most common question asked by parents, and a good one.  There is no one answer as it depends on the child’s age, interest and any existing programming knowledge.

Python Programming has by far been the favorite of students at EVComputing, for 5th graders and up. Java has a steeper learning curve, and is more suitable for middle-schoolers, though some are ready for it earlier. Minecraft Programming with Python is a great way to introduce children to programming and there is the instant nirvana of seeing code in action right away in the Minecraft world.

Game Design is a fun way to introduce children to programming, as it is more customizable – the child can make as simple or complex a game as desired.   The Raspberry Pi is a slightly different introduction to programming. They get to see the “inside” of a computer, and write programs that control external electronics and sensors.

The best way to decide is to get in touch with EVComputing. We can talk over the phone, or if you like, you can also come by for a short meeting. The child and parent can get to meet the instructor, ask questions, and receive suggestions on what would be a good class to start with.
Please call 408-623-4149 for help choosing a camp or class for your child.