Rubber Duck Debugging: A Simple Method for Fixing Bugs

Debugging is the process of finding, identifying, and fixing the bugs. It is commonly recognized as one of the most difficult skills for beginner programmers to learn. Enter, the rubber duck.

Coding is Also Related to Fields Other Than STEM

Let’s look at how coding is connected to a few fields that might seem to be unrelated to coding.
Photo: Rohit Farmer |

Should Parents Teach Their Child Programming

Many parents whose children attend the EVComputing trial class say something like

Solving Your First USACO Problem

Many of the “Getting started” guides for USACO are geared for experienced programmers..

Why Should Children Learn Touch-Typing

Touch typing is a method of typing without using the sense of…

Java Practice Resources

Learning to program is like learning a musical instrument,…

Python Practice Resources

Learning to program is like learning a musical instrument,…

Python or Java – Which One to Start With?

"Should my child start with Java or Python?" is a common question…

About the Teaching at EVComputing

Your child can learn programming in many ways -- from online…

Programming Homework

Homework is a way to reinforce material learned in class, and…