Request to Change Class Day or Time

  • Changes can be requested any time before a session starts or during a session.

  • The fee for each change is $20.

  • Changes apply to the entire session or any remaining classes.

  • Change is allowed only to classes within the same session.


  1. Availability of spots are on the schedule.
  2. Fill the information in the PayPal button (student’s name, current class day/time, etc.) List the desired enrollment day/time in order of preference. You may  list class times that show as “Full” as spots might become available.
    Child’s Name: John HelloWorld
    Current enrollment day/time: Tuesday 5-6 pm, Spring 2021 Session
    Desired enrollment day/time: Wednesday 4-5 pm, Monday 6-7 pm, Thursday 3:30 -4:30 pm.
  3. Click on Pay Now.

If any of the desired class times has open spots, the student’s enrollment will be moved to that class and an email will be sent to the parent with the new class day/time information. If none of the desired classes have open spots, the $20 will be refunded via PayPal in two business days.

Child’s Name
Current enrollment day/time, session
Desired enrollment day/time
Parent email address